#This is the map file for landslide MAP FONTSET "fonts/fonts.list" NAME Georgia IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255 SIZE 600 800 IMAGETYPE PNG24 ## use AGG to for anti-aliassing OUTPUTFORMAT NAME 'AGG' DRIVER AGG/PNG MIMETYPE "image/png" IMAGEMODE RGB EXTENSION "png" END # outputformat PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" #latlon of Georgia (using WGS84) END EXTENT 41.491 40.673 45.220 43.617# lon/lat extents of Georgia (using WGS84) WEB IMAGEPATH "/tmp/ms_tmp/" IMAGEURL "/ms_tmp/" METADATA "map" "C:/ms4w/apps//postGIS/postGIS.map" "ows_schemas_location" "http://schemas.opengeospatial.net" "ows_title" "Sample WMS" "ows_onlineresource" "http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?map=C:/ms4w/apps/postGIS.map&" "ows_srs" "EPSG:4326" #latlon "wms_feature_info_mime_type" "text/plain" "wms_feature_info_mime_type" "text/html" "wms_server_version" "1.1.1" "wms_formatlist" "image/png,image/gif,image/jpeg" "wms_format" "image/png" END #metadata END #web LAYER NAME "testlayer" TYPE POLYGON STATUS ON CONNECTIONTYPE postgis CONNECTION "user=postgres password=lisichenko dbname=georgia host=localhost port=5432 options='-c client_encoding=UTF8' " PROCESSING "CLOSE_CONNECTION=DEFER" DATA "the_geom FROM (SELECT * FROM public.%TABLE% WHERE %COLUMN% %MYOPERATOR% %MYVAR%) AS foo USING UNIQUE gid USING srid=4326" METADATA "ows_title" "landslide" "ows_extent" "41.491 40.673 45.220 43.617" "wms_include_items" "all" END PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END LABELITEM "gid" #attribute to use CLASS TEMPLATE "query.html" NAME "landslide" STYLE SIZE 22 COLOR 255 0 0 END #style LABEL COLOR 0 0 0 TYPE TRUETYPE FONT "arial" MINSIZE 7 MAXSIZE 15 POSITION AUTO PARTIALS TRUE BUFFER 4 END #label End END #class End END #landslide End LAYER NAME "border" TYPE LINE STATUS ON CONNECTIONTYPE postgis CONNECTION "user=postgres password=lisichenko dbname=georgia host=localhost port=5432 options='-c client_encoding=UTF8' " PROCESSING "CLOSE_CONNECTION=DEFER" DATA "the_geom FROM border USING UNIQUE gid USING srid=4326" METADATA "ows_title" "border" "ows_extent" "41.491 40.673 45.220 43.617" END PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END CLASS NAME "border" COLOR 255 255 255 END END #border End LEGEND KEYSIZE 16 12 LABEL COLOR 0 0 0 TYPE TRUETYPE FONT "arial" SIZE 12 END #label STATUS ON POSITION UR END #legend END # Map End